School Calendar for 2023-2024

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Consultation has concluded

An open book showing the pages of a calendar


School year calendar is finalized and can be found here: School Year Calendar - Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (


HWDSB is currently in the process of developing its elementary and secondary calendars for the 2023-2024 school year. We are seeking input from parents/guardians, students, staff and community members on key dates included in the draft Elementary and Secondary calendar.

The Ministry of Education requires school boards to develop a school year calendar that includes 194 instructional days between September 1 and June 30. Of those 194 days, seven (7) must be Professional Activity (PA) Days and up to 10 can be designated as examination days for secondary schools.

We know that dates in the proposed school year calendar bring up other considerations for staff and families such as childcare, work schedules, religious and creed days of significance, and more. HWDSB is committed to affirming and valuing equally the faith diversity in our schools, and accordingly has put in place the Religious Accommodation Procedure.

In addition to your feedback on key dates for this school year, we are seeking your input on broader topics which will inform the calendar structure in future years.

Ways to Engage

  • Survey - Provide feedback on key dates (e.g., start and end dates, PA days, exam days) in the proposed school year calendar for next year.

TAKE THE SURVEY - The survey is now closed.

  • Share your Ideas - Please add your input below which will inform how we structure our calendar in future years.

Update: 2023-24 School Year Calendar Now Approved

Thank you for your input on the 2023-24 school year calendar. The approved calendars are now posted under the 'Important Links' section.

Learn more and start to plan by viewing our School Year Calendar web page.


School year calendar is finalized and can be found here: School Year Calendar - Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (


HWDSB is currently in the process of developing its elementary and secondary calendars for the 2023-2024 school year. We are seeking input from parents/guardians, students, staff and community members on key dates included in the draft Elementary and Secondary calendar.

The Ministry of Education requires school boards to develop a school year calendar that includes 194 instructional days between September 1 and June 30. Of those 194 days, seven (7) must be Professional Activity (PA) Days and up to 10 can be designated as examination days for secondary schools.

We know that dates in the proposed school year calendar bring up other considerations for staff and families such as childcare, work schedules, religious and creed days of significance, and more. HWDSB is committed to affirming and valuing equally the faith diversity in our schools, and accordingly has put in place the Religious Accommodation Procedure.

In addition to your feedback on key dates for this school year, we are seeking your input on broader topics which will inform the calendar structure in future years.

Ways to Engage

  • Survey - Provide feedback on key dates (e.g., start and end dates, PA days, exam days) in the proposed school year calendar for next year.

TAKE THE SURVEY - The survey is now closed.

  • Share your Ideas - Please add your input below which will inform how we structure our calendar in future years.

Update: 2023-24 School Year Calendar Now Approved

Thank you for your input on the 2023-24 school year calendar. The approved calendars are now posted under the 'Important Links' section.

Learn more and start to plan by viewing our School Year Calendar web page.